How to make remote working and furlough productive

Microsoft Teams, Slack, Workplace from Facebook and similar communication products facilitate and encourage remote communication but do little to ensure that the communication is productive, leaving employees to their own devices.

Most employees mean well and want to do well but need guidance on how to align their activities with the needs of the organisation. Otherwise there’s a risk that they will unwittingly spend time on activities which don’t lead to the outcome the organisation needs.

There’s a motivational risk too. Being free of the distractions and constraints of an office has the potential to increase productivity but could also cause uncertainty, detachment and procrastination as people wonder if they’re doing the right things.

Then there are the different distractions of home life, such as family, house maintenance, and the hunt for food during the present crisis, any of which may take an employee away from the business of the organisation.

The Perendie platform provides the guidance missing from communication software, and adds purpose to remote working. Instead of communicating tasks, it leads people to produce useful outcomes.

The platform defines the casual relationships between the organisation’s strategic outcomes and requires successive levels of the organisation to say what they will produce, do and employ to contribute to the delivery of the higher-level outcomes.

Any stakeholder can see what everyone’s producing and what’s likely to happen, motivating productivity without the cost and bureaucracy of a management hierarchy.

The platform is like a satnav, telling you how to reach your destination; communication software is like the vehicle that takes you there.

The present crisis has required many employees to work remotely, or stay at home on furlough. It is therefore the perfect time to start using the Perendie platform to increase the productivity of remote workers, utilise the time of those on furlough, get your organisation into the best possible shape for the recovery, and steal a march on competitors.

COVID-19 has caused many of us to reflect on life and how it might change after the pandemic. Let’s move on to prepare for that time.

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